The Legend of Zelda

dungeons and forests

Return to Shrines

Playthroughs <3

boroboro1991 - Majora's Mask [Japanese - silent gameplay]

シャオメイ - Majora's Mask [Japanese]

Video Analysis <3

I am using an addon(DeArrow) which changes the titles of videos, so these are likely innaccurate--but the links should still work.

Majora's Mask

Differences Between the US & JP Versions of Majora's Mask - Region Break

Interpreting Themes and Metaphors in Majora's Mask

The Dungeon Design of Majora's Mask - All Dungeons Examined

Twilight Princess

The Most Misunderstood Zelda Game


The Atmosphere of Zelda

Every Zelda Is the Darkest Zelda