Roosted Quill



In the game, there is a series of sidequests in which you bring flower vases to small, stone statues of a couple: these statues would be referred to as dōsojin.

Dōsojin (road ancestor deity or god) are shintoist, as opposed to later Buddhist Jizo statues. Dōsojin were meant to reside at mountains and crossways--locations which might have increased yokai activity--to protect villagers, travelers, or people in a transitional period of life. Placing them at the entrance of a village or other similar area would serve to separate the safe "inside" areas from treacherous "outside" evils (sicknesses could be easily spread from people exiting and entering different places, likely more dangerous in the past). dōsojin are also associated with marriage, fertility, and childbirth.

Although the designs in Okami are mild, the dōsojin one might find in Japan can range from a couple holding hands to more explicit acts and phallic imagery.

You can put lost items or offerings in front of the statues like flowers, rice balls, mochi, unopened tea tins, or even unopened candy packages.
