Roosted Quill

Welcome! This website is a work-in-progress, so things are a bit lacking so far. Thank you for your patience!

About Me

Alias: kemono

Species: wyvern

Pronouns: she/her

Hobbies: reading, art, games, anime

Colors: cyan, light purple

Books: sangetsuki, house of leaves, dr. jekyll and mr. hyde

Asexual flag. Lesbian flag.

Hello! I have been interested in html lately and wanted a place to practice design; as well as that, I would like to display some of my art. Feel free to peruse!

Updates + Miscellaneous

*note to self--add gif of pokemon sprites moving around like in the poketch

:D found this last night


  • 9/7/24 - ???? Changed many things.
  • 8/24/24 - 8/31/24. Made various updates, revamped site layout. **Apologies for the constant updates, I tried to move to editing files on my computer locally before posting them, but whenever I do so I get the urge to update, change, fix, and add to a million small things on the page. I will now try to redownload all of the changes I made to the site (yet again) so that the changes can be more significant when next I update the site on neocities itself. If you read this, then, well wishes to you! I hope your time is decently pleasant.**
  • 3/22/24. **NOTE FOR THE FUTURE** I plan to revamp the site by the beginning of September this year, but that is not likely to occur. Hopefully it can happen. I want to make this work, but that requires learning more about coding and finalizing the design I want (for now, at least). There are many things in the way and other priorities I need to focus on, but this is something I want to make happen.
  • 3/10/24. Fixed "Welcome Home" links on Other Links page.
  • 2/15/24. Added 14 images to Media page. **Will probably try to organize better in the future.
  • 11/21/23. Added apps section to Japanese page. **NOTE: page will not update for some time
  • 11/15/23. Added funny slime largo to Slime Rancher page.
  • 11/1/23. Added 5 doodles to Media page.
  • 10/29/23. Added 2 doodles to Media page.
  • 10/20/23. Added some au information to Pokemon page.
  • 10/17/23. Finished wip on Media page. Made proper gore warning for previews. Made plans for House of Leaves page, wish to write on some of the book's themes. Added "Do Nothing" button.
  • 10/3/23. Made train poster for Japanese page.
  • 10/1/23. Finished wip on Media page.
  • 9/27/23. Added some links to Japanese page. Dying dying dying dying.
  • 9/19/23. Added some icons to Shrine page and added a Kirby page.
  • 9/17/23. Tried adding stickers to Home page. Created Japanese page. Added a few wips to Media page.
  • 9/16/23. Added small thing to Media page. Small ramblings on Pokemon and Slime Rancher shrines.
  • 9/8/23. Added a few doodles to Media page.
  • 8/25/23. Slapped multiple blinkies on Home page.
  • 8/20/23. Added to the Alter Ego shrine. Added 5 drawings to Media page. I have so much to do :(
  • 8/19/23. Added to the Alter Ego shrine.
  • 8/17/23. Finished 2 drawings and updated on Media page.

  • 8/16/23. Added drawing to Media page (2 of these are unfinished and will be updated later).

  • 8/14/23. Added insignificant bit to Slime Rancher shrine
  • 8/11/23. Added a doodle to Media page. Dread.
  • 8/9/23. Change is awful sometimes. Do not know yet how it will turn out. Anyway, this is likely the last update for a while, do not know if I will come back to this or not, or even when.
  • 8/7/23 - 8/8/23. Added multiple shrine skeletons.
  • 8/6/23. Experimented with Eggramen's resources. Added music player and experimented with Iframes.
  • 8/4/23 - 8/5/23. Nuked the layout for the umpteenth time.
  • 8/2/23 - 8/3/23. Edited Not_Found page. Added page links. Continued tinkering with layout.
  • 8/1/23. Copied SadGrl's website template. Made site button and header image.
  • 6/28/23. Created site/irregular edits made over time.
  • Be careful when pressing blinkie source links, I slow down their speed.

    this site changes the speed of gifs



    The moon today

    Harvest Moon: 2024/9/17

    Autumnal Equinox: 2024/9/22

    Winter Solstice: 2024/12/21

    Vernal Equinox: 2025/3/20

    Summer Solstice: 2025/6/20


    The Glass Scientists: Mondays月

    Reflections: Friday金

    Catch-up: Saturday土